Joyride is an experimental typeface and lettering studio.



This license was last updated on February 21 2025.

You’re receiving a license to use the Joyride Studio typeface(s). Specifically:

  1. You can use the typeface(s) in any commercial or personal work, including logos, printed materials, videos/motion graphics, video games, and websites.
  2. A license entitles you to use the typeface(s) on any computers and/or websites (with unlimited page views).
  3. If you need to share the typeface(s) with an agency, printing house, web developer or similar, no problem – they’re covered by your license.
  4. Feel free to modify any of the glyphs in the typeface(s) in whatever way you’d like, as long as you don't then turn them back into a font file.
  1. You can embed the typeface(s) in media where this makes sense (PDFs or apps, for example), as long as users can't recreate and/or export the original typeface.
  2. Don’t redistribute the typeface(s) to other people or upload it to font-sharing sites. Each person using the typeface(s) should download their own copy.
  3. The very legal part: the typeface software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall Joyride Studio (or any other copyright holders) be liable for any claim, damages or other liability.
  4. Share what you make! This is obviously not a legal requirement but I’d love to see what you're creating. Feel free to tag me on Instagram.